Meshtastic is community driven. Thousands of hours have been donated by volunteers who want to develop this amazing project. Whether you've submitted a pull request or triaged a bug in our Discord/Forum. You've made Meshtastic possible. Thank you for your contributions.
We would also like to recognize those who have donated financially to the project. As Meshtastic has grown, we've aquired some ongoing costs to keep the project running. Thank you for your generous donations.
Fiscal Sponsors
We have partnered with both the Open Collective and the Open Source Collective to help us with a fiscal management framework and banking needs. They help support over three thousand open source projects including the PHP Foundation, F-Droid, Sonarr, LinuxServer and DarkReader. We are in good hands and good company.
As with everything we do here, Open Collective provides a fully transparent framework for our budget and expenses. You can see what we’re bringing in, who is spending money and where that money is going here.
In addition to our partnership with Open Collective and Open Source Collective, we have also been approved into the GitHub Sponsors program where we can set fundraising goals with GitHub.
All donations made through GitHub will be deposited to our account with the Open Source Collective and managed by the Open Collective. This means we have a single place to monitor and maintain transparency of our finances.
If you are able, please contribute to this amazing project.
Open Collective Donations
GitHub Sponsor Donations

Literally thousands of hours have gone into creating, maintaining, and improving Meshtastic. Without our contributors none of this would be possible. Thank you for donating the time for each and every commit, issue, and pull request.